Holy Fire Light Conception
Holy Fire Light Conception 2-22-22 A Journey To Remember I Am The Resurrection and the Life (details and link below) Beloved Hearts, This month of 2’s filled with initiations, alignments and Holy Fire is maturing our Inner Divinity evermore quickly as we conceive and reveal more of ourselves to Ourselves through each passing day. …
Recognition of our Vastness
February 2022 Recognition of our Vastness Beloved Hearts, Once again, we are in the midst of a more ardent quantum escalation of unveiling ourselves and learning to live in flow, not certainty. Whether it has come about as a matter of illness, loss, shadow work, heart openings, drawing lines in the sand of what …
As The Page Turns So Too Does the Focus
As The Page Turns So Too Does the Focus Beloved Hearts, As the page has turned on 2021, we find ourselves at the beginning of what may prove to be, amongst other things, the most rapid cycle of acceleration we have known thus far. The ending of the cycle of what was, was an …
So(u)lstice Gathering: Activations/Calibrations/Meditation
12-21-21 So(u)lstice Gathering A Phenomenal Dispensation of Source Emancipation Light Codes & Soul Light Codes (details below) Beloved Hearts, This has been quite the experience of walking through the Ascension Corridor. Every step, a re-arrangement of particles, atoms, neurons, cells, emotions and purpose. Layers of human nature being peeled back by strikes of Light …
11:11 An Experience of Angelic Acceleration
11-11-21 An Experience of Angelic Acceleration & Grace Beloved Hearts, I cannot think of a more appropriate time for this 1111 Gateway to open. Since information began coming to me about this Gateway I have been calling it the “Angelic Gateway of Acceleration and Grace.” Since the 1010 Gateway humanities acceleration, particularly through the …
The Presence of New Beginnings
The Presence of New Beginnings Dearest Hearts, All week I felt the Presence of New Beginnings expand its field. This was not as a result of an experience I had, though an energy presencing itself around me that felt good. It felt right. It felt in alignment with Truth. It matters not that the …
Challenges, Blessings, Resonance
Challenges, Blessings, Resonance Beloved Hearts, The Challenges and Blessings of this time are beyond what most could have imagined. This month of October will add more to the mix. I sense it in part to be a greater push, stemming from many directions, to go deeper still to dematerialize what once was our reality, …
Enlightenment/Equinox Gathering
ENLIGHTENMENT-EQUINOX 9-22-21 (Details Below) Beloved Hearts, I am sending this second Email to you for Equinox and information came into me last night about Enlightenment and Equinox. Last night, an Aquamarine Ray, the color of the Higher Heart Chakra showed up in my bedroom. One of my favorite colors, it brings forth memories for me …
Energy Update/ Equinox Gathering
Equinox 9-22-21 Balance, Unification, Activation, Stillness (Energy update and Registration Link Below) Beloved Hearts, Words almost fail for what we have been experiencing since the Lions Gate. Were I to sum it up perhaps I would say we are having the experience of the never before Self-Realized Journey Home over the extreme back-drop of preposterous …
Lions Gate: Closing Down an Era Of Human Life
The Lions Gate 8-8-21 Closing Down an Era Of Human Life A Journey, Activations and Sacred Ceremony Into The Sirian Stargate and Through The Sacred Lions Gate Dearest Hearts, I like many have consciously worked, waited and returned to Earth many a time to Be in a time such as this. I knew where I …
Lions Gate: The Journey, Activation & Sacred Ceremony
The Lions Gate 8-8-21 A Journey Into The Sirian Stargate Temple and Through The Sacred Lions Gate Activations and Ceremony of Unparalleled Importance Beloved Hearts, We are here together in the portal leading to one of the most, if not the most significant Lions Gate of our time. One can feel the significance… the power…the …
Passing Into A New Life On Earth
Passing Into A New Life On Earth Beloved Hearts, Passing into a new life on earth is a mighty task. Regardless of where you find yourself on the journey you are doing a miraculous job. No matter what your opinion is of where you are compared to another WE have all gone through the same …
Solstice 2021
A Supernova of Consciousness, Love and Light Codes (Also details for So(u)lstice Gathering 6-20-21) Beloved Hearts, What a road we have been traveling together. I think of us as Heroes of Mythic Proportion transfiguring an entire Planet and Humanity. No one that came before us took on such a Herculean task and no one could …
Pleaidian Stargate
Chaos Intersects with Immaculate Conception for Humanity (and details for Taurus/Pleadian Stargate 5-5-2021) Beloved Hearts, Our Life is Like a Movie wherein transformative Chaos intersects with Immaculate Conception as we hold the balance while in daily rapid fire changes. There are numerous frequencies weaving into our physical bodies from the Cosmos, the Sun, the Moon …
Soul Embodiment
4-17-2021 & 4-18-2021 Soul Embodiment Webinar Gathering Purpose Driven, Experiential, Wisdom & Activations Spiraling in endless circles of God Consciousness with its multi-incarnational view of All your lives, your Soul…and only your Soul…holds the Highest Codes possible to bring out the true created you, not the better you, the real you.—Maureen Moss Beloved Hearts, This …
Equinox Gateway
3-20-2021 Equinox Gateway Meditation, Zero-Point Balance, Gateway Activation Dearest Hearts, What we have been experiencing leading up to Equinox has been a massive restructuring down to the frequencies of the water within our Being, as well as DNA unlocking in order we be made more clear, more aware and more realized to receive and …
Preparing for Equinox
Preparing for Equinox Dearest Hearts, As I write this my Heart is filled with so much Love and Respect for all of us Consciously going through this massive restructuring down to the frequency of the waters of our BEing in order to be made more clear, more aware, more REAL-ized to receive and hold …
Journey Up The Mountain
2-21-2021 Journey Up The Mountain Beloved Hearts, Like you, for decades I have been clearing, releasing, realizing, neutralizing, soul-searching, commanding, decreeing, praying, playing dimensional ping-pong, enduring, enjoying, and anything else holding the potential to take me to the Truth of Myself. When I get stuck on basically anything my question to the Universe has …
Lift The Light: The Gathering
1-21-2021 Lift The Light: The Gathering Powerful Light Activity, Immersion & Activation Dearest Hearts, We are in the Biggest Reset in Human History. Humanity is in great need of More Light. In a deep meditation with Source I was informed this Light must now come from US. Following that meditation St. Germain came forth …
Internal Revelations Amplified
Internal Revelations Amplified –Maureen Moss Dearest Hearts, Clearly we are Extraordinary HUman Beings who have been through a Herculean year. There ought be no doubt that whatsoever shall be put before us or rises up from within, is not more of the same. It is opportunity to continue our journey into the ever increasing …
Blessings On Soulstice
Blessings On Solstice –Maureen Moss Beloved Hearts, I send this note for a few reasons. One to wish each and every one of you Infinite Blessings as we conclude this powerful month of December with the Alignment of the Galactic Center with the Great Central Sun, the coming together of Saturn and Jupiter as …
Cosmic Portal
First Cosmic Portal Opened Leading to 12-12 Gateway and Solstice –Maureen Moss Beloved Hearts, When I awakened yesterday morning the entirety of the sky looked much like that in the above painting. The first Cosmic Portal opened yesterday as Source and Angelic Rays and Waves of Light bathed the Earth with pink, blue and …
A Journey and Preparation for the Upcoming Quantum Leap
11-11-2020 A Journey and Preparation for the UpcomingQuantum Leap (Registration Below)
Equinox 2020
Equinox 9-22-2020 Balance, Integration, Activation and Unification ofYOU (details and registration below)
Building A Bridge of Light
Building A Bridge of Light Beloved Hearts, When we walked through the most potent Lions Gate to date, simultaneously we opened a portal of retrieval for our Divine Selves to come through and at long last have the opportunity to have it’s Being in our God Bodies. It is then the next level of …
Lions Gate 2020
Lions Gate 8-8-2020 A Magical, Unparalleled Journey Into The Sirian Stargate and Beyond Dearest Hearts, On July 22, 2020, with a blast of Supra Advanced Light Codes (in part through the Neowise Comet,) the passageway into the unprecedented Lions Gate on the 8-8 was opened. Lives that have been changing rapidly are about …
New Life Stream Beginning
The End and Beginning of A New Life Stream Beloved Hearts, As we entered the Eclipse/Soulstice season (still in motion,) there has been an amplification of Purpose Driven energies that we have all felt and are feeling. On So(u)lstice and for a couple of days afterward I felt a Bliss and Child-like Joy so …
Soul Connection
Soul Connection (the offering) Beloved Hearts, As we go through this great undoing to convert what was to what was always intended we discover the alchemy to make this great transformation lies within us via the magical and provocative Higher Self and Soul. For the past few weeks I have soared and been shaken …
The Taurus/Pleaidian Stargate
The Taurus/Pleaidian Stargate 5-5-2020 Journey Heart to Heart Into the Beautiful Stargate “Assisting you in expanding Your Divine Crystalline Heart we join with you to activate the frequency and vitality of LOVE to rise and flow more gracefully through your bodies filling the New Earth and Cosmos with your vital vibration. Change-Makers to Change-Makers …
Light Pouring Onto Gaia… Love Dominates
Light Pouring Onto Gaia… Love Dominates (4-4-4 Gathering a Free Gift to all see below for details) Beloved Hearts, For obvious reasons and not … we are forever changed. So much attention has been placed on the obvious, however on a Planetary level the energies of Love and Harmony have amplified and unified within this past …
Equinox Balancing, Harmonizing, Aligning With I AM
Equinox GatheringBalancing, Harmonizing, Aligning With I AM 3-19-2020 (Details and Registration Below) Dearest Hearts, March really has been an intense taskmaster, changemaker and brilliant weaver of Trueness calling us into epic, life-altering deep states of Self- Realization as enzymes of FREEDOM RISING catalyzed internal transformative energy and recalibrated, reprogramed and reignited a New Realm …
Journey To New Earth
Journey To New Earth2-22-2020 (Details and Registration Below) Message From Maureen Beloved Hearts, A decade ago I remember reading a channel from Yeshua (Jesus) wherein he talked with John Randolph Price about reaching enlightenment, (at age 40,) and to use his words “feeling the weight of the world lifted from my shoulders. As if by magic, he …
Happy 2020 New Year
Beloved Hearts, As we begin our second lives in a new decade there is so much love, honor, deep respect and gratitude in my heart for each of you beautiful Souls. I thank you for your courage, your commitment, your tenacity, your strength and commitment to Love…for without that, not one of us would be …
Soulstice 12-21 & Gathering
SOULSTICE12-21-19 (details and registration below) Beloved Hearts, 12-12-19 began our next 7-year cycle. It came in with a blast of Light and Life Force directly from the ‘throne’ of God, through the Great Central Sun, streaming then into our Heart centers courtesy of the Elohim. Were that not enough St. Germain blanketed our Planet and …
Two Gateways & A Sustainable Phenomena
A Sustainable Phenomena 12-12-19 12-22-19 Registration Below Beloved Hearts, After millennia we have come to the final approach of the completion of a linear, repressed, traumatic, Soul dismissive cycle of life to the beginning of a new adventurous cycle of Conscious Creative Soul Life. The most significant Gateways to prepare us occurred in this year, …
11-11 The Energy Mounts
11-11 Journey & Ceremony Registration Below Beloved Hearts, The energy is mounting for this powerful passage in and through the 11:11 Gateway. The Pleaidians, Sirians, Lyrans, Arcturians, the Elohim and Angelic Realm have made it clear they are over-lighting, balancing and supporting this potent passage along with Mother/Father God and others. This is a momentous time …
11-11 Journey & Ceremony
11-11 Journey & Ceremony Registration Below Beloved Hearts, Clearly the journey we have been on since the Lions Gate has been and shall continue to be the swiftest of any in our human history. In November and December we will experience, at varying levels, a quantum reset… a Change Over into a New Reality. Those …
Powerful Energies/Unprecedented Love
An Amplified Source of Cosmic Love, Light and Freedom Codes never before on Earth is now reaching our solar system and inter-penetrating our bodies and Earths magnetic field. The various thresholds of Cosmic Love/Light we encounter over the next three months shall create a dynamic Life Force sustained by Love and a Great Awakening as …
The New Human Rising & The ‘22’ Equinox Gateway
Beloved Hearts, Wow, what a month we have had since the dynamic Sirius Lion’s Gate. From this dynamic gateway we were activated and initiated into the next level of our personal transcendence and cultivation of our Oneness with our God Self. The incoming back-up waves in the weeks following thrust us deeper into birthing ourselves …
LIONS GATE 8-8-19 A Magical Journey Into The Sirian Stargate and Beyond Activations of Unparalleled Importance Leading into 2020 An Activation of The Great Pyramid of Giza Beloved Hearts, One year ago during the Lions Gate, we were escorted into a New Planetary Cycle making a pronounced shift from a linear timeline to a vertical Spiral of Evolution. For …
Soulstice & Energy Update
When the soul is ignited and one learns to see through its eyes, a vision grows for creating a world born of the intrinsic oneness of the human spirit.—Maureen Moss Beloved Masters, Soul Beings, Tribe of One Heart, Recently I spent almost two weeks at the ocean primarily going off-line with everything external in an attempt …
Abundance Upshift
Abundance UpshiftWith Lee Harris Begins June 5, 2019 Dearest Hearts, There are so many heartfelt changes occurring as we move up our spiral of evolution (along with the ongoing intense energies that we are breathing and getting through a moment at a time which I will address in the Soulstice newsletter out shortly.) One of the things …
Becoming Who We Are
Within this next year your greatest relationship and priority will be with your Heart and full body of matter wherein your time-coded immaculate concept for your new Divine Human blueprint will be revealed.—Jeshua Beloved Hearts, It is safe to say we are amongst the most miraculous, courageous and sacred beings on Earth or in the …
THE TAURUS/PLEIADIAN STARGATE 5-5-19 Journey Into The Beautiful Stargate Details/Registration Below “We come to expand you and to assist the vitality of Love to move through your bodies filling the Earth and Cosmos with your vital vibration. —The Pleiadians Dearest Hearts, What a Massive Month of shift and realizations… purging and integration, accountability without judgment …
A Profound State of Being
We Are Amazing Beings Of Light. Nothing will ever be the same. Enters nowOur Higher Selves, Soul Selves, Multi-Galactic and Angelic Self.Nothing will ever be the same.—Maureen Moss Beloved Ones, I write this from a new state of my being…from a place of relief, deep gratitude, peace, and first hand experience of witnessing the pattern …
Equinox Soul Activation
Equinox…Full Moon A Powerful Inter-Dimensional Gateway Soul Activation & Immersion A new origin point for your entire existence to the evolutionary, magical and Sacred is based on the Soul fusion and Soul synthesis made through your body. —Maureen Moss Wednesday, March 20, 2019 Details Below Beloved Masters, Angelics, Tribe of One Heart, A …
3-3-3 The Trinity
3-3-3 The Trinity Activation & Weaving Christ Consciousness Higher Self & Your Magical Child. The return to the pattern of wholeness is an implosion letting us know that something very ancient has died while something very new and magical in its perfection is birthing. —Maureen Moss Sunday, March 3, 2019 Details Below Beloved …
Tribe of One Heart-Immersion/Activation Feb. 17
Individually we have worked diligently to move our personal evolution forward. As a Tribe our collective endeavors have created significant Cosmic and Planetary events bringing us now face to face with a new reality. —Maureen Moss Sunday, February 17, 2019 Details Below Beloved Hearts, On January 20, 2019 the old Light of the Moon …
Christ/Mary Magdalene/Mother Mary Integration
Christ/Mary Magdalene/Mother Mary Integration Lunar Eclipse/Blood Moon January 20, 2019 Beloved Ones, Since the powerful Solstice in December a quantum leap was made in our evolutionary spiral and continues strongly though this active month of January. Both eclipses this month are continuing the Solstice momentum and are highly significant on many levels as …
New Years Day ‘Special’ Event!
In This Issue: New Article: A Renewal of Heart! Registration A Renewal of Heart Hosted By Maureen Moss & Friends Wisdom, Channeling, Music, Diamond Christ Immersion, Sound Advancement (Registration Below) The Frequency of the Universe Lives in the Center of Your Heart. — Maureen Moss Beloved Galactic/Angelic Masters, This past year has been unprecedented …
In This Issue: New Article: Free Q&A Registration FREE Q&A Wednesday, November 28, 2017 Time: 5:00PM PST/6:00 MTN/8:00 Eastern Dearest Beloved Galactic/Angelic New Humans, First may I say what an honor it has been having so many of you coming together in union with me from around the world to create a …
11:11 Doorway: Journey Beyond The Beyond
In This Issue: New Article: 11:11 Doorway: Journey Beyond The Beyond Registration October 2018 Newsletter 11:11 A Journey through the Doorway to the ‘Beyond the Beyond’ Activations, Connection, Wisdom and Key Codes from Archangels Metatron, Sandalphon, Gabriel & The Solar Angels of the Great Central Sun We The Awakened are being called Home through the …
Integrate, Ignite & Transcripts
In This Issue: New Article: Integrate and Ignite Transcripts September 2018 Newsletter Integrate and Ignite (…and Transcripts to Assist) Dearest Hearts After the most intimate, intense, back-to-back exchange (since 1991) with eclipses, planets, star systems, gateways, Diamond Light codes, Royal Lion codes, and The Ray of Gods Will streaming into our DNA through the Great …
The Next Spiral of Our Evolution Be Prepared
In This Issue: New Article: The Next Spiral of Our Evolution Be Prepared The Next Spiral of Our Evolution Be Prepared Dearest Hearts Faster than anyone could have imagined now (and in spite of external appearances,) earth and many of humanity are spiraling back upward to where we came from stopping for awhile in the …
The Magical, The Mystical and Sacred
In This Issue: New Article: The Magical, The Mystical and Sacred New Offer: Conversion Activations, Immersions, Cosmic Wisdom & Integrations. The Series For Embodiment (details below or click here) The Magical, Mystical and Sacred Dearest Hearts There is no denying the magical, mystical, erratic, stranger-than-fiction, often uncomfortable and remarkable internal effects and jaw dropping external ones, of …
Activating Your Soul Connection
In This Issue: New Article: Activating Your Soul Connection New Class: Soul Connection: The Experiential Journey (details below or click here) ACTIVATING YOUR SOUL CONNECTION In case there was any doubt, we have just been through The Olympics of energy… a two month energy wave carrying unprecedented transformation and reformation dynamics replete with lifts, leaps, …
From the Field
In This Issue: New Article: “From the Field” Update: At The Table With Maureen and Private Masterful Living Sessions Dearest Hearts, 2018! In Like A Lion surrounded by chaotic nodes… higher and lower coherency passing through chaotic events… along with a pot of final reckonings, identity reconfiguration particles, radical honesty with Self and others, quantum no-need-to-know molecules and minute-to-minute reality checks …
Wrapping It Up
In This Issue: New Article: “Wrapping It Up” A Sneak Peak: “At the Table with Maureen” Private Sessions: Year End Clean Up…details below.. Dearest Hearts, Blessings to all of you. This has been a defining year of demise, uprise, amplification and realization. The demise has spoken for itself. As has uprise. Amplification on behalf of …
Ascension Refinement Cycle
In This Issue: New Article: “Ascension Refinement Cycle” Upcoming Class: Realization & Integration of New Accelerated Light Codes Part 2…Details Below. Private Sessions: Click Here. Dearest Hearts, Blessings to all of you. Do you remember tumblers, those machines that rocks are put into and it tumbles, smooths and polishes them turning each into gemstones? Some …
Switching Realities
In This Issue: New Article: “Switching Realities” *Integration of Acceleration Codes Live-Online Gathering: Sept. 13, 14, 19. Details and registration below. Private Sessions: Details below. Dearest Hearts, I pray you are well and continuing to feel the magical and mystical internal effects of the most defining, undeniable and memorable experiences in our personal and collective …
The Wisdom and Love of a Time Such as This
Dearest Hearts, As always I pray you are well as we continue forward this month into what undoubtedly will prove to be the most defining, undeniable and memorable spans of time to date as humanity and Planet Earth enter a new life cycle and the true shift of our age. Though for years many used …
Portal of Totality
Dearest Hearts, As always, I pray you are well after a raucous month of June that further helped clarity who we really are, via the fast and furious lane. The intense energies of the Light prior to the Solstice proved to be a worthy opponent for whatever residual mind enslavement, cellular imprints, fears, weights, burdens …
The Next Phase
Dearest Hearts, As always I pray you are well. May gave us a bit of an energetic reprieve and opportunity to prepare for the upcoming month(s). The energies were in alignment with what I wrote at the beginning of it…May will be an opportunistic month to reassess, restore and strengthen ourselves, after many energetically and …
You, Renewal & Live Interview
Assess, Reset and Strengthen (Part 2) and Mary Magdalene: Restoring The Divine Feminine Blueprint The Interview, The Woman, The Immersion Special Interview hosted by Maureen Moss Date: Today, Thursday May 4, 2017 Time: 11:00AM Pacific / 12:00PM Mountain / 1:00PM Central / 2:00PM Eastern Replay available at 5:00PM www.maureenmoss.com/thrive Dearest Hearts, It has been quite …
Assess, Reset and Strengthen
Dearest Hearts, Last month I wrote The Pace Quickens … and it did. It was a tough month. On many days it was an overwhelming month…conflicting, emotional, insistent, new and old thought-provoking and weary-making. It was all that and a power and potential surge, along with being one of fascinating awareness. Now it is important …
The Pace Quickens
Dearest Hearts, First, my deepest and most sincere love to you strong, powerful, loving beings that do not give up on yourself as you continue to work so diligently to carve out a more enlightened, more honest depiction of life and your relationship to it. Certainly the month of March didn’t give us a pass …
Dearest Hearts, With a high pressure month behind us of planetary, political and emotional pile-ups, relentless cosmic pressure waves and solar and magnetic storms… with more in front of us… the questions (in part) continue to arise, when will life ease up, the sadness, divided thoughts and rise and fall of emotions subside? The short …
Our Evolution
Dearest Hearts, What a fascinating and raucous beginning to this New Life Cycle we’ve launched into. I felt prompted to wait and feel into this new energy, this new way, this evolution of life we have entered before writing this. Once again we embark on a journey down unknown paths laden with phenomena and circumstances …
In Conclusion and With Blessings
Dearest Hearts, Within these final days of an epic life cycle, I pray you are well. My sincere apologies for not sending a newsletter in November, and this one being deep into December. These months have been ones of sacred review, looking into every nook and cranny to see what might still be lurking from …
An Election of Evolutionary Proportion
Dearest Hearts, Not a typical newsletter from me, these are words that flowed forth this morning. Clearly the week ahead for the United States and those across the world will be one of the most significant in history. The Presidential election is historic in and of itself, though the weeks to follow may prove to …
Letter from Maureen
Dearest Hearts, As most of you have known me for many years, it is rare that I write about myself personally. This letter, though personal in its nature, is about US at a very important time in our evolution. When I read Bringers of the Dawn by Barbara Marciniak in 1992, it opened my eyes …
The Concluding Months
Dearest Hearts, As always, I pray you are well. The pace quickens as another month falls behind us and our former selves fade further and further into the belonging to another time. Even memories appear to be suspended in another timeline as we insert ourselves into the presence of now, with far more ease. As …
The New Human
Dearest Hearts, As always, I pray you are well. What a purposeful, powerful, awareness packed month this has been, with another coming right in front of it. Rarely has a day passed without our being confronted by the mounting tensions of the outer world, the passing and purging of old feelings and attachments, and the …
The Bells of Divine Destiny
Dearest Hearts, As always I pray you are well as together we continue to behold the unfolding of Creations promise to lead us down (or up) a path of evolution into a state of embodiment as our True Selves… operating in our full spiritual capacity and charting a new course and path of Life for …
This Next Phase
Dearest Hearts, As always, I pray you are well. It’s almost unfathomable, that at warp speed, we have reached the midpoint of 2016… the year ensuring that our True Self with its singular nature is offered the greatest opportunities to be realized. In my recent experience, and witnessing others… this month appears to be a …
Dearest Hearts, As always, I pray you are well as the unstoppable train of evolution travels full speed ahead, major planets continue their assertive path (in often unorthodox ways,) pushing and pulling us into another emphatic renovation phase, mayhem and miracles collide… and Divine Consciousness takes over more often than not. Like many, I experience …
Last Dance
Dearest Hearts, As always, I pray you are well at heart while still in the unstoppable wake from the latest fast forward round of cosmic energies intent on driving us out of our minds and away from hardened beliefs and thought forms, currently conflicting with the Truth of our nature and the Love that we …
New Life Cycle
Dearest Hearts, As always, I pray you are well. Within a powerful month sitting amongst a powerful year we stand at an intersection of who we once were and who we shall be…realizing we cannot be who we were and become Who We Are. With intensified activities of the experience of opposites occurring within and …
Parallel Realities
Dearest Hearts, As always, I pray you are well as we jettison forward in this year of 2016…a year of breakdowns, breakthroughs and alchemy as we continue to shift reality systems and integrate, assimilate, align and adapt to the new beings we are becoming. It’s quite miraculous to be cultivating a relationship with the re-incarnation …
2016 & Crafting Masters
Dearest Hearts, As always, I pray you are well. A marked year…2015. A year of great distinction. A year by which humanity brailed its way through the vast majority of it leaning on curiosity, prayer and faith for the possibilities their Divine nature and the years ahead would hold. The moments…informed every now and again …
Integrated Merger
Dearest Hearts, As always, I pray you are well. Forgive my absence during what we all know now to have been one, if not the most energetically pivotal times in our modern history. As many thankfully sent out important information and updates throughout the month of September and October I felt prompted not to write …
Stepped Up Energies
Dearest Hearts, As always, I pray you are well. Upon awakening this morning, I prepared a juice smoothie and went into my yard beneath my favorite tree to be in stillness. Almost immediately I heard: “Take your mind out of everything it has formerly invaded. Let go of your perceptions. Perception is a state of …
Ascension Focus
Dearest Hearts, As always, I pray you are well. It is no mystery to most that the span of time we are entering into is one of great significance for us all. It is one that for many will profoundly inspire a new reality through the seemingly magical balance and expansion of both our heart’s …
The Time of Ascension
Dearest Hearts, As always, I pray you are well. I started this important conversation and delivered a portion of it on Facebook earlier this week. Now it’s important to expand it, as it affects many of you reading this. I may be taking a risk here, though I am writing this to offer new considerations …
“And the Universe Said…”
Dearest Hearts, As always, I pray you are well. And so it is that Mercury has passed the retrograde baton to Pluto until days before the final lunar eclipse on September 24, 2015, provoking within us further deep changes and challenges at a fundamental level. As a result of Pluto in retrograde we are given …
An Activation of Divine Proportion
Dearest Hearts, As always, I pray you are well. More than once I sat down to write a newsletter and nothing came. I simply said to the Universe, “If I’m to write something, lead me.” More than two weeks passed before I was led. I was led to something I had written and delivered as …
Accelerated Change Upon Us
Dearest Hearts, As always, I pray you are well. First, thank you for those who inquired when my next newsletter would arrive or sent me a “Where’s Maureen” Email. I’ll briefly share that, and then onto “Accelerated Change Upon Us.” After teaching “Mastering The God Experience,” I was wiped out, something I wasn’t accustomed to …
Reversing Reality
Dearest Hearts, Welcome to 2015, the year of Pure Potential and Reversing Reality. I thought I was going to write an inspired new article to launch us into the New Year, instead this inspired story came through me, for you. This is how the story goes… Once upon a time there were the first people. …
From Our Creator
Dearest Hearts, I knew I was going to send you a message from my heart to yours to thank you for your longstanding love and blessings, to wish you a Happy Holiday and a New Year that is filled with more love, more grace, more joy, more of you knowing how loved and watched over …
Magic Is Afoot
Dearest Hearts, As always, I pray you are well as the evidence, not just commentary, mounts in favor of ‘anything is possible’ (even against all seeming odds) and that magic is definitely afoot, albeit close on the heels of everything going awry…perhaps simply to stand out and prove a point. Energy and nature showed me …
Choice and Your Future
Dearest Hearts, As always, I pray you are well. Last week I posted something on Facebook that had many E-maiIing me asking if I would expand on what I’d written. First, here is what I wrote: “I have heard many people sharing that they feel a reluctance in moving forward, almost an apathy, creating within …
The Adventure Begins!
Dearest Hearts, After a year of breakdowns, breakthroughs, cosmic journeys, transmissions, sincerely putting myself into the hands of the Divine, and being told “I was to take an active role in aligning and engaging myself in a direction that would create a new reality” confusion began to set in. I didn’t feel any particular alignment; …
Mastering The God Experience: 5th Dimensional Consciousness
Dearest Hearts, As always, I pray you are well, particularly after another intense and demanding month of dozens of intense solar flares, an eclipse/moon sandwich, mercury retrograde and planets lining up in ways that are less than comfortable for most of us. Most ask when will these Cosmic events stop, or at least slow down? …
Our New Purpose: Mastering The God Experience
Dearest Hearts, As always, I pray you are well. Before sharing the message about our true purpose and Mastering The God Experience I wish to thank all of you for your notes and Emails (and patience) inquiring, “if I was coming back,” “if I was ok,” “would The New World Puja Network continue,” and “would …
Living As God: The Experiential Journey
Dearest Hearts, It is here and it is now. We have reached the place in our evolutionary history that we have taken on skin and bones for hundreds if not thousands of lifetimes to experience. The month of April’s insistent energies became the keynote month to investigate (and continue to investigate) deeply who we are, …
The Wizard of Oz & The Acceleration
Dearest Hearts, What a profound, fast and furious month we have just moved through making our way through another round of ‘evolution.’ On some days I am reminded of Dorothy in the movie the “Wizard of Oz” when she and Toto were swept up in the whoosh of a tornado, taken from Kansas and delivered …
“The Acceleration”
Dearest Hearts, As we pass through this month of March and enter into the months of April, May and June we are going to discover more and more of our human natures ‘illusions of certainty’ fall apart as the world in which we live, both within and without, begins an accelerated deconstruction and rebooting. Now …