Dearest Hearts,
As always, I pray you are well.
A marked year…2015. A year of great distinction. A year by which humanity brailed its way through the vast majority of it leaning on curiosity, prayer and faith for the possibilities their Divine nature and the years ahead would hold.
The moments…informed every now and again by clear shots of expanded awareness…calmed down the often hyper emotional states of mayhem allowing us to tap into the seemingly inexhaustible reservoir of our human spirits to meet the challenges, changes and needs of our new human existence as consciously actualized Gods.
With perceptions altered and preferences denied…as a matter of courtesy to our authentic natures…we’ve had to learn (and continue to learn) how to synchronize heart and mind, body and soul to maintain equilibrium between the world that was…and the one that is.
This year proved to be monumental for each of us as our resonance shifted strongly away from a world (and hundreds of our lives) sustained in density and illusion and moved towards a world and nature…each finding its way to being sustained by Divine Intelligence and Love.
2015 will undoubtedly be looked upon as a year of experiences both cosmically and personally, unrivaled by its impact, persuasions, pushes and opportunity for us all.
2016, (a nine year…a year of completion) will continue to offer rich opportunity through poignant not random experiences both Cosmic and personal (though you will notice in both cases more calmly) that will deepen our awareness of Reality and solidify our resonance, natures and hearts to the greater extent of Who We Are…to Love…and to the Divine content within our minds and hearts.
Many will discover fulfillment trumping frustration, in deeply personal ways…not as a result of planetary alignments…though of newly awakened personal alignments.
Often times this year it felt as though we were failing and falling when experience gave us often obscure opportunities to activate a greater radius for our hearts to expand and recalibrations to be made that would upgrade our capacity to not only be more God, but first and foremost to realize we are God.
All experience is set up by ourselves, with the Universe conspiring to evoke untold and unmeasured shifts and illuminations in our consciousness and hearts…experiences that the mind can never understand for it has no relationship to experience that exists beyond itself…beyond its crashing waves of thought.
We knew from the beginning this would be an experiential lifetime of epic proportion… We knew we were going on a journey to awaken to what we had already come to know… We knew we were dropping down into a fallen nature and through that nature we would be resurrected and returned to our Original Nature. We knew.
And, our Mother/Father God along with our Realized Souls knew what it would take to illuminate and Craft a Master out of human nature and how to craft a reality that originally separated everything from itself…into One Realization. God knew.
Together and in Our knowing, the plan for ‘re-presentation’ of each Life and this Planet was created using every form of experience as the teleporter.
Beloveds, we have been through an unthinkable, profound, complex process of transference and transcendence. First, through a descension away from our Original Natures…next, into ascension by way of expanding our human consciousness, once again, toward our Original Natures…and lastly, via descension (physicalization of that consciousness)…all in one lifetime…all in one form…as You.
Who could possibly have accomplished such a feat? None other than a God.
2016 is energetically set up as a year of integration, unification, creativity and actualization.
Though the complex process of transference and transcendence came harrowingly close to defeating many of us…here we are…heroes, pathcutters, wayshowers, comrades in the most daunting experience of all human existence.
Let us hold hands and hearts as we complete the translation of what it means to be a GOD in human form.
It is my prayer that we all focus fully on Mastering This God Experience by delivering ourselves to clarity, unifying all that has polarized us…by rising up and exceeding the human minds belief in what is possible…by neutralizing every single negative, limiting and self defeating thought we have…by integrating and holding steady what is true in our hearts…by basking and acting in and as the Light, Love and Truth of Who We Are…undenied. And, by becoming a flowing current of replenishment to all others.
As we focus and take action on what we have left to accomplish we will notice that as both ours and the Earths remaining false structures collapse our True Selves will naturally rise. And, as individual unconscious acts of destruction play out, Unity Consciousness will naturally become widespread.
I so love you and honor you beyond every word I could ever write. Thank you each for being some part of my life. May the end of this year bless you and the beginning of next deliver you.
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“Private Sessions With A Boost”
One Free Thirty-Minute Session with Every One-Hour Session Booked.
Pass it on as a wonderful gift to a loved one or use it for yourself!
From now through January 2016 as we make the turn into the life-changing New Year of integration, unification, creativity and actualization it is my pleasure to offer Private Sessions, with an extra boost to help you (and if you like friends and loved ones) gain stability, clarity and confidence as you move forward into a New Year and into your particular, spectacular translation of God in form.
All sessions are guided and interactive prompting the true Spirit that moves in you, as you, to come front and center through you for a rich and empowering experience.
Click here for further information.
May you be blessed every single moment of every single day.
I wish you each love, joy, blessings, clarity and abundance. May grace follow you wherever you go. Know you are loved!