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Light Pouring Onto Gaia… Love Dominates

April 13, 2020

Light Pouring Onto Gaia…
Love Dominates

(4-4-4 Gathering a Free Gift to all
see below for details)

Beloved Hearts,

For obvious reasons and not … we are forever changed. So much attention has been placed on the obvious, however on a Planetary level the energies of Love and Harmony have amplified and unified within this past week significantly, shifting realities and timelines and will continue as we move into April.

April is a 4 month and a 4 year and a month of abundant Love and stability expanding within us and around us providing we stabilize the frequencies at hand and continue engaging our heart centers consistently.

On the 444 we will be immersed in beautiful, Angelic, harmonic frequencies though what is true for me and many is we live outside of specific dates and fixed events often receiving the energies slated for a particular day prior to it.

As an example: In the past week, I twice had the Dream/Reality of being on a different Planet recognizing I have another life there and it was from there I was literally pouring Light onto this Planet.

I was the Watcher watching Self for quite a long while pouring Light through what I realized was a sacred geometry pattern in the colors of Archangel Michael Blue (as I refer to it,) and Christed Gold.

The experience was as real as my writing this.

As well, what I experienced in the second Dream/Reality was Heavens Gate energetically opening and energies in rainbow colors streaming to Earth as an endless number of Angels were moving from Heaven to Earth in a spiral, uniting the two.

If that weren’t enough, on Sunday while gazing at the sun appearing here and there amongst many clouds, the sun was uniquely fast-moving and blazing shimmering rays of Light while around the perimeter there was a half-circle of brilliant azure blue going one way, while a brilliant deep pink/magenta half circle was going the opposite way. It was so profound to watch this activity and feel the energies amplifying my heart chakra and bringing tears to my eyes.

Beloveds, there has been already a clear shift of Gaia into a Higher Dimension and for many of Humanity a brand new Timeline. The Love in the Hearts of so many expressed during this unique time has contributed powerfully to this shift. 

All this prior to the 444 which will be a potent day overlighted by the Elohim, the Angelic Realm, Yeshua (Jesus,) and Mary.

* Right now Yeshua (Jesus,) and Mary are powerfully overlighting our Planet.

Our Focus On Love

As we strengthen and fortify ourselves and Gaia in a New Reality/New Timeline, focus on Love always. Align with it. Open wide to receive it. Breathe it into every pore of your being as it is offered, poured upon you and impressed into you moment upon moment, wave upon wave. Give of it. Anchor it deeply into Gaia. Feed yourself with it. Soak your mind in it. Bathe your body with it. Stroke your emotions with it. Speak its praises. 

Proclaim and align with, I love you Love. I love you Love. I love you Love. How could I not, for it is of Love that I Am made, that I AM in the midst of and that is in the midst of Me. I love you Love. I Love You.

Though uncertainty of the unknown and unrealized may arise in you as these powerful energies pierce through all obstructions in all systems and bodies know that fear gives way under the dominion of Love.

Let us stand together with confidence, with faith, with Love, with generosity, compassion and with the wisdom of the ages we have spanned. 

My Gift To You 4-4-4 Gathering
Time 4:44PM PDT

Wherever you are in the world, we will gather at 4:44 PM PDT in a unified, silent mediation though first we will gather Live to create our Chalice of One Love, to bring you into rapport with each other, the Angelic Frequencies and Harmonies as well as with Jesus and Mary who are overlighting this powerful day.

There will also be a Light Language clearing of the DNA, any Soul or personal sadness as well as to open you wider to your Higher Self and the Angelic Realm by Shekina Rose prior to you going into a silent meditation.

Here is the link for the 4-4-4 Gathering

Date: Saturday, April 4, 2020
Time: 4:44PM PDT/5:44PM MTN/6:44PM CST/7:44PM EST.

Endless Love and Blessings to You,

Email:[email protected]

©2020 Maureen Moss
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