The 2025 Timeline is nothing like we’ve gone through before due in part to its great Speed and the tremendous acceleration Humanity shall experience. We are moving into a New Realm of Being and beginning a life of Here and Now.
2025, a year wherein “all experience shall be a leap in the dark…an unpremeditated act without benefit of experience.” However, the Wisdom of the Heart knows the way. We are on the cusp of a dream we have long held for ourselves, each other and our Planet. Freedom.
One must know intimately the Great Liberators of their Consciousness and Heart.
“Humanity cannot go forward without creating a New Origin Point for ones Entire Existence. If any one desires to know themselves certainly and be meticulously guided to their Destiny, one need know intimately the Great Liberators of their Consciousness and become adjusted to their stunning brilliance and manner of expression” —Yeshua
I bow to you in humble gratitude. You have been the Instrument for God to answer my prayer to show me who I am and why I am on this Earth…. at a moment of great unknown.
—Jacqueline Graham. Austin, Texas
With such precision and caring love you helped me release patterns that no longer serve. You helped me connect with my Soul in a way I had not thought possible. I stand ever grateful for your Presence here, your vastness, your commitment, your true love for each and every soul
—Patricia L’Dara
For over 35 years I have worked intuitively, wisely and in tandem with direct guidance and cosmic energy to empower, clarify, connect, and re-direct people to live the life they came to Earth for.
I have been called an architect who builds doorways for people to walk through, a no-nonsense unfiltered powerhouse, and I have been called a blessing that has changed lives, repeatedly. They are each accurate.
Though it doesn’t matter what I am called, it matters that I create a field of energy for you that opens you to new possibilities, Self-realization and a larger and more purposeful life leaving you stronger, more certain and more empowered to unfold and walk into your Destiny.
Are for those awakened and need support to stabilize, harmonize, synthesize, integrate, accelerate and maximize their greatest Souls potential, in a highly accelerated New World.
- A Personal Session With Maureen is done via phone or Zoom.
- Each session goes beyond healing, to unearthing what has kept you bound and unleashing what is true for you.
- Each session offers you a clear path forward and a connection to your Soul, Higher Self and I Am Presence.
- Each session is 1 hour in length.
- $165.00.
Such a beautiful, sacred, powerful, heavenly experience beyond my expectations working with you. Holding nothing back, including your illumined heart, I viscerally felt an alchemical shift inside my body and a renewed sense of my purpose rising. It was magical. Your frequency is so needed on this Planet Maureen. Bless you.
—Paris (Alea) Doerlan, N.Y, N.Y
Maureen’s wisdom is profound. The truth illuminated in a manner that cannot be bent.
—John Burgoss
Beyond The Ordinary Show
You are a magical woman with such a gift of grace, power and goodness! I have never felt so exhilarated and peaceful at the same time after our time together. With great Love to you Maureen.
To schedule a session with Maureen, please use the form below: