Equinox Gathering
Balancing, Harmonizing, Aligning With I AM
(Details and Registration Below)

Dearest Hearts,
March really has been an intense taskmaster, changemaker and brilliant weaver of Trueness calling us into epic, life-altering deep states of Self- Realization as enzymes of FREEDOM RISING catalyzed internal transformative energy and recalibrated, reprogramed and reignited a New Realm of our Consciousness…the Observer Consciousness or the Consciousness of Discovery of ones True Self.
Some are realizing that who they are Really is behind the person they have perceived themselves to be their entire life.
Some are realizing that who they are as Consciousness is not on the screen of human perception, identity, labels and conditioning…. though off the screen as unmoving Realization.
During these past 10 weeks Truth has been seeping or pouring into every atom, cell, neuron, DNA and more switching on Original Natures as the lights of the long perceived self consciousness and conditioning grows dimmer and dimmer.
Personally this past 10 weeks has changed me in ways I have longed for. It is new, it moves me to tears, to joy, to Love, to knowing Grace. It is tender and grows and moves me faster and further from the spiritualization of how we get from there to here.
There is so much more to share and I shall do so later, though I am guided at this time to utilize this very powerful Equinox as a way to balance, harmonize and align each from what has been collected, shifted and changed throughout this period of ‘time’ with a deeper, richer Realization and experience of your True Nature.
This phenomenal activity of our ‘change’ at any level, calls for stability, seamless alignments and visceral union with the Divine.
This Equinox of Balance, Integration and of Re-assimilating Heaven and Earth deep, deep within your bodies provides a welcomed calm, activating, stabilizing alignment that occurs when opposing forces finally harmonize and drift into ONE LOVE as their predominant nature.
We will be working directly with the Diamond Heart Center of I Am to do so.
Infinite Love Beloveds,
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.maureenmoss.com
© 2020 Maureen Moss No part of this transmission including artwork, may be reproduced or transferred in any form or by any means without full article, full name and website maureenmoss.com Additionally voice recordings are prohibited by this copyright.