Journey Up The Mountain

Image Artist Unknown
Beloved Hearts,
Like you, for decades I have been clearing, releasing, realizing, neutralizing, soul-searching, commanding, decreeing, praying, playing dimensional ping-pong, enduring, enjoying, and anything else holding the potential to take me to the Truth of Myself. When I get stuck on basically anything my question to the Universe has long been “what do I need to know about this?”
That question has manifested in answers every time…sometimes in a matter of moments… sometimes in a matter of weeks. A couple of weeks ago while in the midst of writing about a colliding 3D experience I have been traveling through, I had an in the moment experience leading me to a Great Truth about myself and each one of us. Thus, this writing and upcoming journey, meditation and activation on 2-21-21.
As is always a joy and expansion for me, I was writing about this present experience. Always when writing I swiftly move into Higher awareness. And often, I have a visitor appear in my field. On this evening and for the first time it was the Ascended Master Lady Nada, Cohan of the Sixth Ray, a soul aspect of Mary Magdalene and long associated with Sananda. I felt her presence to my right and I intuitively knew her Soul Signature.
Respectfully I acknowledged her and asked, “what are you doing here?” She began telepathically transferring information to me sparking an immediate awareness that I was grateful for, thus taking me to a Higher Truth about myself and a knowing for us all. As Is for Me So Is for You. The bond between us has strengthened over these past weeks.
To sum that up, for now, she set me on a path of realization that every BEing that I have brought through for decades and often thought I was channeling (the word alone denotes separation,) is an aspect of myself or they wouldn’t have appeared in the field. Each awaits Divine timing to make their Presence known to any one of us and to then… if one is ready to embrace these higher frequencies of Light…become a united Soul aspect of Self carrying all the virtues, qualities and capabilities to be integrated whether it is with an Angel, an Ascended Master, a Galactic Being or any other Light Being in the Cosmos.
All Cosmic BEings in this Galaxy most certainly are in service to the radiant transformation of Humanity. And, as Lady Nada has shared to ‘trigger’ and unite the various realms of each one’s BEing held within them. This, she said “stimulates the unfolding of the New HUman and New Earth. Members of HUmanity have the inherent abilities to manifest the entirety of Divine Presence within their beings.”
And so it is that this Gathering on 2-21-21 came to BE and the date was specifically given.
Journey Up The Mountain Meditation, Activation and Journey is for each to be gathered in sacred space, to be open, meet and merge, if in Divine Alignment, with aspects of their Higher Selves. Imagine then what is possible?
Click Here For Registration and further details.
With Great Love,
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.maureenmoss.com
© 2020 Maureen Moss No part of this transmission including artwork, may be reproduced or transferred in any form or by any means without full article, full name and website maureenmoss.com Additionally voice recordings are prohibited by this copyright.