Individually we have worked diligently to move our personal evolution forward. As a Tribe our collective endeavors have created significant Cosmic and Planetary events bringing us now face to face with a new reality.
—Maureen Moss
Sunday, February 17, 2019
Details Below
Beloved Hearts,
On January 20, 2019 the old Light of the Moon turned blood red as New Light (Life) was birthed from the dark womb of the Divine Feminine Blood Moon.
Blessed I was to help mid-wife the radiance of this Holy New Light …the conception of something in its perfection forming…with a Tribe of Beloveds from around the world and the Trinity of Jesus/Jeshua, Mary Magdalene and Mother Mary.
For many it was a pronounced physical experience…amplified Love and New Light streaming so powerfully it brought floods of tears and emotions. To feel so supported and to feel LOVE so close gave many, whether together or apart, the sense that we moved into a deeper experience of our vastness and importance to the entirety of this Universe.
For others came visceral feelings of hearts expanding as they made contact with the Divine Feminine Heart pulsing waves of Holy Love into all our bodies. And too, there were feelings of pressure, burdens and traumas being released along with a sense of uncommon peace, hope and joy emerging. Each being experiences of New Birth.
So here WE are now holding in our hearts the conception of something in its perfection forming.
Here we are joined together now in a Sacred unified experience with a task for which we came to Earth to coordinate and structure… once we let the personal self step back and make room for our Higher Self to step in and step forward.
We will be prepared then to take the keycodes of the activated, blessed conception we now hold in our hearts to set the patterns for New Human Sacred Life into an impenetrable template (and temple,) using our Higher Self Consciousness, vibration, frequency and heart, as Masters do.
And then, in the same manner to create, establish and protect the New Earth, as the Sacred Temple and retreat for many peoples of the Galaxy as she was intended to be before she was derailed (per Archangel Michael,) delivering both Gaia and Us to Our rightful place, by Original Intent, into the Heart of the Galaxy where we belong… unified as a Tribe of One Heart.
It is time for us to use our skills as evolutionary lightening rods for change! The dream is over for those who choose. It is time to get Real.
Tribe Of One Heart ©
Immersion, Initiation, Declaration and Activation
Sunday, February 17, 2019
I was called to create this event as part of an agreement made long ago. I only just remembered (thanks in part to Celia Fenn, Archangel Michael, My Sirian Family, Jeshua and Mary Magdalene.)
As much as I wanted to play with 2-22 for the date of this, guidance was otherwise and added…every day is a powerful day. You are a powerful conduit for the Light of God and the Lamp of Truth every day.
With that said, on the 17th, we as The Tribe of One Heart will be in collaboration with The Diamond Heart Center, The Heart of Gaia, The Elohim and Royal Sirian Lions to ground the conception for New Life and New Earth we All hold in our hearts, together.
You will remember…
Click Here For Further Details & Registration
With Infinite Love,
Email: [email protected]
© 2018 Maureen Moss No part of this transmission including artwork, may be reproduced or transferred in any form or by any means without full article, full name and website Additionally voice recordings are prohibited by this copyright.