Tribe of One Heart- Registration





This may well be the most important Gathering I have called together.
What I write here pales in comparison to what will be spoken.
It is going to change the way you look at Earth, Your Life and Your Purpose.

—Maureen Moss

Immersion, Initiation, Declaration and Activation


Date: Sunday, February 17, 2019
Time: 11:00AM PST/Noon MTN/1:00 CST/2:00 EST.
Price: $22.00



On this day, WE as the Tribe of One Heart will be in a powerful, long awaited collaboration with The Diamond Heart Center, The Heart of Gaia, The Elohim and Royal Sirian Lions to ground and activate on Earth and in our bodies the conception for New Life and New Earth we ALL hold in our hearts, together.

It is time for us to use our skills as evolutionary lightening rods for change! The dream is over for those who choose. It is time to get Real.

Today is a unique gathering… a day that you can be certain we are gathering On Purpose to understand, be activated and be prepared to undertake a project that once belonged to the Elohim that now belongs to us.

It is the very reason we came to Earth and why so many Cosmic Beings are gathering on this day.