Commitment to Love: Transforming Human Nature into Divine Nature

This book came straight from the Divine. Every word was born from love.
From “Commitment To Love”:
“The love that you are has been aching to express itself since you were born. It has been buried under the tyranny of your mind and held captive by the oldest slave master in history, the ego. The lies end here. You are about to exchange your human nature for your Divine nature. Prepare for transformation. Prepare for Ascension.” (This book also contains a fascinating chapter and invocations from 21 Archangels, Angels and 2 Saints.)
“This book is an inspired roadmap to your Highest expression of Self. Simple, direct and practical.”
– Sonia Choquette, Ph.D., author of Trust Your Vibes and Your Heart’s Desire
“Not only is this book fresh, revealing, and passionate, it contains a powerful Divine elixir to transform the state of the turbulent mind.”
– Les Brown, renowned motivational speaker, best-selling author of Live Your Dreams
The Nature of Bliss: Balance, Love, Integrity, Sexuality, Soul

Maureen takes you on a journey to the extraordinary-back to our true natures, to bliss.
This magical journey affects profound healing on both a personal and global level.
The Nature of Bliss harmonizes the five elements of Bliss: Balance, Love, Integrity, Sexuality, Soul.
“The illumination I experienced from reading “The Nature of Bliss” shifted to an ignition where my true purpose was revealed. My true nature now echoes throughout my being. Maureen’s words are music to my ears.”
– Barry Goldstein, Grammy award winning producer, writer and soundhealer
From: The Nature of Bliss
Balance is achieved when you walk in the light of a truth that is far past what the mind presently knows.
“Am I loved and do I love well?” In each moment that you touch your own heart, you will come to know more about Love.
Great freedom and a deep connection to the Universal Pulse emerge when you live your life with Integrity.
Understanding the Divinity of your Sexuality and the pure power of your sacred sexual energy opens your heart and allows you to come ever closer to the heart of God.
There is a price and a prize in heeding the message of the Soul. The price: your life as you have known it will never be the same.
“This is a book that will lead you to a higher life, truly a life of bliss.”
– Daphne Kingma, author of The Future of Love
Connect With Your God Self

This book contains the written word that accompanies the spoken word of Maureen’s 5 CDs
- How A Powerful Woman Awakens
- The Hierarchy Takes You To The Heavens
- The 5 Contemplations of Bliss
- Cosmic Wisdom
- Transformation
“Maureen, once again you have taken my breath away and opened my mind, my imagination and my heart, further.” Powerful!
– Linda Kearley, Spiritual Filmmaker
From Maureen Moss: After being prompted to put a series of five CD’s out into the world, I was prompted to put the spoken work into written words.
The benefit: Amplified Power.
The words, the guidance, the prayers and mantras within these pages, all given from the Masters in Higher Realms of Consciousness, will serve you as reminders of how to choose into Mastery and how to connect with your God Self, your Authentic Self, daily.
“The CDs changed my life. Now having the written words doubles their power to shift into higher consciousness.”
– Marcella Harper, Ph.D – Australia
God’s Promise

A gift for every parent and every child, this little story carries with it huge possiblities for all of us.
Written by Maureen Moss, “God’s Promise” is accompanied by 16 magnificent pieces of art by award winning artist Gerald Purnell.
“God’s Promise is a gift. Maureen Moss has once again made good on her promise as a writer and messenger of hope. This little story carries with it huge possibilities for all of us.”
– John St. Augustine, author Living An Uncommon Life: Essential Lessons from 21 Extraordinary People
“I didn’t think it was possible, but Illumination Arts has surpassed even its own famously high standard. This heartfelt tale brought tears to my eyes and my heart to a standstill. God’s Promise is certain to become another award-winning classic.”
– Sandra Sedgbeer, Managing Editor, Children of the New Earth Magazine
“The child in every one of us longs to hear the message of God’s Promise. I only wish my parents could have read it to me when I was young. It will bring tears of joy that will change your life forever.”
– Jean-Claude Koven, author, speaker UPI Religion & Spirituality Columnist