The Lions Gate – Registration



The Lions Gate


A Journey Into The Sirian Stargate Temple and Through The

Sacred Lions Gate

Activations and Ceremony of Unparalleled Importance


Date: Sunday, August 8, 2021
Time: 11:00AM PT/12:00PM MTN/1:00PM CT/2:00PM ET.


Replay Available Following Event


SIRIUS, the spectacular Star System…brilliant God/Dog Star, often called the Spiritual Sun…is the frequency base of Christ Consciousness…the home of the Sacred Sirian Royal Lions …the star system where the Blue-Light of Divine Creation has been anchored… and is One with the Great Central Sun where the Diamond Heart Center of Gods Pure Light radiates. The Sirians have long had Great LOVE for Humanity and Gaia thus, a potent influence on humanities Liberation and Evolution.

This year the Lions Gate Portal shall have the greatest impact on humanities evolution thus far. Soul Destiny Paths Will Be Activated and Calibrated via the DNA, shifting or advancing the direction of every human prepared.

This Year the Master Sirian Council and Sirian Royal Lions shall be joined by Yeshua, Mary Magdalene, the Elohim, the High Angelic Council and the Lions of Lyra. They shall lead via Unity, Love, Wisdom, Sacred Rays, Waves and Codes into the Highest Spiral of our Evolution, Eternal Inheritance, Freedom and Multi-dimensional Unification thus far.

*In tandem with this Lions Gate a powerful, transformative Blue Ascension Light Wave shall be transmitted and enter the Planetary Consciousness and New Earth Grid of Gaia.


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