So(u)lstice 2021 Registration




A Phenomenal Dispensation of Source & Soul Light Codes

Multidimensional Activations, Calibrations and Meditation

Image Artist Unknown

Date: Tuesday, December 21, 2021
Time: 11:00AM PT/12:00PM MTN/1:00PM CT/2:00PM ET.


Replay Available 2 Hours After Event


A Cycle concludes and a New Cycle begins. Past shifts to future. Awakened Beings begin in earnest to decipher their uniqueness as a Soul in a Body of Love.

Streaming Liberation Codes, Soul Codes and more, Mother/Father God, Yeshua and Mary, Archangels and Angels, Galactics, Star Systems, Gods and Goddesses shall stand with us as One Love covering this Earth from one corner to the other, holding space, lifting our hearts and honoring our Souls as they are ignited to take the lead in New LIFE.

The Divine Mother has said, as the Human Cycle of life concludes, the Blood of Christ and the Breath of God shall quicken in the veins and the Heart of all humanity and LOVE will BE the Greatest Force on Earth.

And so it is We Gather on this So(u)lstice to peel off what was, unfasten and Light Up what shall Be and Be further prepared to stand on a New Earth as The Light, The Love, and The Power of God We Are…thus never falling into a fated, suffering existence ever again.



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