Equinox Gathering – Registration





Balance, Unification, Activation, Stillness


Date: Wednesday, September 22, 2021
Time: 11:00AM PT/12:00PM MTN/1:00PM CT/2:00PM ET.


Replay Available 2 Hours After Event


Equinox is a powerful portal of transition, of unification and shift. There is a change in the direction of where the Sun’s Rays fall on Earth… when day and night equalize… a completion of a season and beginning of a new one.

The same holds true for Humanity. Clearly there is a Big change in direction, a completion of what was and a much-needed balance and equalizing of the body, the breath, the mind, the heart and Soul.

The whole of this years often shocking global events, deep internal shifts, chaos, confusion, truth and tales along with our ardent search for Truth and Stabilization of our Self, necessitates the conscious use of the Equinox energies before going forth. The next 3 months we come face to face with greater transitions still and opportunities to step into amplified Illumined States of Freedom before 2021 is complete. Our Mastery (22) will strongly be called into action.

As We Gather in Unity with this transitory Equinox we shall come into alignment with the Balance of Energies this Equinox affords us. As well, we will work directly with the frequencies of the Diamond Heart Center and the Love and Blessings of the Divine Cosmic Mother and Father. Each shall also have the opportunity to unify more deeply with the Divine Master Presence of Self.


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