Equinox 2020 – Registration





Balance, Integration, Activation and Unification of

Date: Tuesday September 22, 2020
Time: 11:00AM PDT/12:00 MTN/1:00 CST/2:00 EST.
Price: $22.00


Replay Available 2 Hours After Event


The whole of this year of triggers, chaos, activation windows, timeline changes, the leaving our yesterdays outside of the Lions Gate and our ardently searching for the keys, codes and windows for shift & release of the remains of our former lives, brings us now face to face with four months of Greater Change still.

First and foremost we begin with this Equinox of Balance, Integration and Unification of what you have gathered thus far, so each may plant seeds for the future of yourSelf by raising your frequencies, empowering your Christ Consciousness, stepping fully into Prosperity Consciousness and utilizing your Heart Presence in and thru all things.

And, we shall do so directly in alignment with the Balance of Energies this Equinox affords us… as well as working directly with the Diamond Heart Center in the Great Central Sun and I Am told with the Golden Solar Lions carrying the frequencies of the Divine Cosmic Mother and the Divine Cosmic Father. We shall also work with the Solar Angels.


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