Lions Gate
A Journey Into The Sirian Stargate & Through The Sacred Lions Gate
Activations and Ceremony of Unparalleled Importance
Date: Thursday, August 8, 2024
Time: 11:00AM PT/12:00 MTN/1:00 CT/2:00 ET.
(Please double-check your Daylight Savings Time.)
Vimeo Replay Available 2 Hours Following Event
We shall Gather in the portal opening leading to the most significant Lions Gate of our time. One can feel the significance… the power…the sacredness…the insistence…the fine particles of magic in the air.
Waves and rays of New Life and Higher Love are streaming now from Sirius in preparation as the Christed/Cosmic Current of Creation pulses in and through each. This activity is activating essential Divinity DNA creating an internal sense of ‘things are becoming easier and lighter from the inside out.’ And they are and shall BE evermore evident On This Day.
The Sirians call this Lions Gate the finalization for those prepared to exit the The False Matrix and take up the mantle of Eternal Inheritance and Freedom and, are ready to Be initiated into the Collective Christhood by Yeshua and Mary Magdalene with the Sirians, The Sirian Solar Royal Lions and the Lion People of Lyra.
WE are the second coming of Christ.
We shall also be in rapport, council and activity with many Masters of the Sirian Lineage as they also actively assist us in moving into a new dynamic Dimension of Light that has never previously been and help us merge and synthesize with the Master Ascension Wave now upon us.
With Hearts wide open WE unite as One with Family above and below on this exciting adventure into Direct Infinite Alignment with the brightest star in the Sky Sirius and initiated into the next unprecedented enlightenment phase for Humanity’s Ascension.