2-2-23 – Registration



The Golden Age Aquarian Gateway
Wisdom, Activations and Ceremony

(Details for Zoom Gathering Below)


Date: Thursday, February 2, 2023
Time: 11:00AM PST/12:00 MTN/1:00 CST/2:00 EST.



Zoom Replay
will be sent out when ready.


This Aquarian Gateway signifies a Quantum Cycle of great change and the opportunity to merge into the realm of Freedom within Self. As the Solar and Cosmic Light amplifies exponentially so to shall the Source call and the call from Gaia, for humanity to put into activity a greater and more Pure Source of Light, and Love.

As Vast Beings of Light, with boots on the ground merged now with Greater Realms of Consciousness, we are meant to use this cycle purposefully, presently and with the intent to establish the full momentum of Freedom within ourselves. Thus, to truly Be Fully Conscious Stewards of the Golden Age on Earth.

This Gathering Shall Focus On:

  • Activating and Stabilizing the Return to one’s True Self.
  • Activating Soulful Multidimensional Living.
  • Returning to our Innocence. (No longer holding ourselves hostage to the past.)
  • Activating and Amplifying Christ Consciousness.
  • Anchoring ourselves in Presence. (This being KEY to going forward.)
  • Turning Challenge into Opportunity with a shift of thought.

As always, Master and Cosmic Realms shall participate with us in and through the transmission, activations and ceremony. The entirety of our Gathering shall be over-lighted with the now present Lyran, Sirian, Royal Lion and Angelic Frequencies of Light.


Zoom Registration