12:12: Master Ascension Gateway Soulstice 12-21-19





(details below)

Soulstice 12-21-19

Date: Saturday, December 21, 2019
Time: 12:00PM PST/1:00 MTN/2:00 CST/3:00 EST.
Price: $22.00

Replay Available Following Event

Registration Below for 12-21 Soulstice

and/or the 12/12 Gateway (if you missed it.)

In the 9 days leading up to Solstice (from the 12-12 Gateway,) we remain in an open corridor of active new birth and further activations preparing us as we prepare ourselves for the next level of our embodiment…Higher Self merged fully in physicality and with Soul… leading our lives.

Soulstice closes the 9 day portal of new birth.

On this day we shall gather to receive Key Activations of our Soul Codes… Ignite our Higher Selves… Amplify the frequency of our physical bodies to more gracefully enter the next level of our embodiment…as well as to receive Key Codes to support the balance of our new Crystalline Diamond Template and becoming accustomed to a new way of feeling, being, seeing and sensing.

We shall also experience another clearing and another pass of the Ascension Flame of Freedom from St. Germain.

SO much new will begin opening within us as our Higher Self/Soul Self takes the lead throughout this next cycle of embodiment and we actually begin an Ascended life experience as an Inter-Galactic-Inner Angelic Species of Intelligence, LOVE, Power, Compassion, Wisdom and of Strength Sustained.

This has been an enormous undertaking that On This Day of Soulstice will be celebrated.

Registration Below For One or Both of The Gateways.