11:11 A Journey Through the Doorway to the ‘Beyond the Beyond’
Activations, Transmissions, and Key Codes from
Archangels Metatron, Sandalphon, Gabriel & The Solar Angels of the
Great Central Sun.
Date: November 11, 2018
Time: 11:00AM PDT/Noon MTN/1:00 CST/2:00 EST.
Price: $22.00
We The Awakened are being called Home through the 11:11 Doorway to IGNITE our New Spiral of Evolution… AMPLIFY a New Octave of Our True Selves… UNITE with our Vast collective family… MERGE with the frequencies of the Angelic Realm… and anchor on earth The Template of True Love.
This shall be the most activated and celebrated 11:11 Doorway we have entered since 1992.
Description: This 11:11 Doorway is not another Stargate. It is the most potent opportunity we have had since 1992 to create an irrevocable bond between worlds… to join our Spiral of Evolution with those of The Great Beyond… to unite with the Angelic Realm as they transfer their frequencies into our bodies and we onto Earth …to be given transmissions and Key Codes to ignite our New Reality… harmonize with the operating system of the Great Central Sun, the headquarters of God’s Light … and end physical reality as we have known it.
This Potent Ascension 11:11 Doorway Leads Us Home To Our True Self and Greater Reality
On This Day
Via the sacred geometry of Archangel Metatron we will enter the space between worlds, the 11:11 Doorway and beyond.
Here you will feel the bonded Love of the Creator, The Angelic and Archangelic Realm, The Galactic and Star Light Realms, The Great Central Sun, Your Solar Angels and be given further Key codes and transmissions of accelerated Light to enhance your ability to anchor yourself into your Greater Reality bringing the Invisible to the Visible unto yourself and to Earth.
Our role is to unify our conscious as One Chalice Of Love… to receive the energies, transmissions and activations given … to anchor and integrate them well into our bodies… to then create a New Reality and Template for Love once and For All.
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