Newsletter Archive

In Conclusion and With Blessings

December 20, 2016

Dearest Hearts,

Within these final days of an epic life cycle, I pray you are well.

My sincere apologies for not sending a newsletter in November, and this one being deep into December.

These months have been ones of sacred review, looking into every nook and cranny to see what might still be lurking from the false matrix requiring eviction, bringing final parts of mySelf that were lost to myself home and unwinding from a last minute unexpected twist of drama belonging to another time. And then, a profound lovingly relentless eight-day deep clearing and immersion into the Christ Consciousness…so clearly present now on this earth.

These concluding months have been full as well with writing for The New Human sessions and unexpectedly beginning my 5th book.

The greatest blessing of all has been to sincerely witness my life with fading attachment, very little self-indictment (at long last,) and with far greater respect and love then I have ever held for myself.

Certainly there is more to come and though I feel rather tender and protective of mySelf, the Spirit of my being is celebrating. For the first time in many many lifetimes I taste the sweet nectar of freedom.

I am clear there is nothing more to learn nor process from the Matrix of Duality. And certainly, there is nothing, absolutely nothing to master from it.

Onward now into full rapport with Christed Consciousness, rejuvenation (don’t we all need it), regeneration and creation of a New Reality initiated by Love, held by Love and grounded by Love.

In Conclusion

As you now conclude this year and life cycle not of nine years… but of hundreds of thousands of years… whereby true identities were forged, capacities diminished, minds tampered with, DNA deactivated and abuse and manipulation (both self and global) reigned falsely (s)upreme, it is not a moment to soon to use these days to overturn any pieces left of a counterfeit reality… not first in the world…but first within yourself.

That, I am informed, is the greatest service you can offer to the stabilization of the New World… to the expansion of the Cosmos… and to yourself as a New Human.

Use these concluding days of this life cycle… before stepping onto the Holy ground of an entirely new creation cycle…to make peace with yourself and the life you have lived.

Embrace your innocence, for you always have been. Only viral conditioning had you deserting it.

Delete all expectations and edit your projections.

Hold a fierce vision of what you choose to create, to birth and to bring into year One of this new life cycle. Avoid thinking of year One as just another New Year…this is the year that begins the change of the (your) entire human experience, and the true adventure of your destiny.

Investigate with awareness (not thought,) unknown dimensions of your consciousness and once in rapport with them, piece by piece…awareness by awareness…stabilize it.

Allow the Source and Soul of your life stream to help you convert and re-direct all properties of energy that may still be holding you… in thought, or activity… in any state of fear, contradiction or limitation. (Command it to be so!)

And align… moment to moment… with the undeniable emergence of your Divinity and Christed (Ascended) Consciousness. Get to know and trust both. It is by, of, and through each that your new reality shall be formed.

You (WE) have come to this earth to create and be Stewards of the New World, the New Humanity and the New Way. You have come to be living examples of all that is possible now. Such a feat is possible (look at what you have come through,) though it requires 100% Masterful dedication and commitment, eyes, heart and mind wide open and a complete departure from your former reality.

As we end this game of chained down life and step into Life as it was always intended, I wish you so much love and remind you that You are able now to answer your own ancient prayer…that your Life be a living example of the One Love that you are… living in a world that reflects the same back to you.

With Blessings

May you come to honor yourself as the great Star Beings that you are, sent to earth to birth a new Earth reality and a New World governed by Love.

May you walk this earth with awareness … blessing and synthesizing the restructuring Cosmic and earthly forces necessary for a Singular New Reality to be born.

May you walk now in harmony with your Higher Self and Soul…as each takes you by your heart and leads you to your Authentic Life.

May you walk with gratitude, honor and respect for the Life you have been given… and the rarified opportunity it now affords you.

May you fulfill your Destiny.

I wish you each love, joy, blessings, clarity and abundance. May grace embrace you as you enter the new creation cycle and form your new reality.

Know you are loved.


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